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  1. P

    Do you believe Christ can transform a life? Have you seen it?

    yes. he totally transformed my own life, the life of my husband and the life or our son.
  2. P

    If God believe everyone is equal then why can't we re-write the Bible to include

    first of all, america is not a christian country. secondly the bible already includeds gays and lesbians in it. it says that homosexuality is a sin. we cannot just decide what the bible is supposed to say. that is up to God to decide. the bible is his word, not ours. he is the one who had...
  3. P

    Isn't it kind of Satanic to wear a crucifix which doesn't have the figure of...

    a cross without the figure of Jesus on it is not a crucifix. a crucifix always has the figure on it. a cross without the figure is just a cross. in either case, God does not want us to keep Jesus nailed to the cross. Jesus is resurrected from the dead and dwells in heaven, not on the cross...