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  1. S

    crypto Question for VETS?

    No vets giving free advice on YA's. Also, probably not as many techs as people would like you to think. If you think there is a problem with the dog, take him to a vet. Neutered dogs do NOT have testicles. They have been removed, hence:neutered.
  2. S

    why do some people travel so far to buy a dog?

    To some people having a pure bred dog that has registration papers is important. The ones that do CARE about the breed and dogs in general will want to get their dog from a reputable breeder, not a BYB/PM type. They may have to travel "so far" to find a good breeder. You know, the ones that do...
  3. S

    I dont want to choose between my dog and my gf who's allergic what can I do?

    Can't she see a doctor and get something to help with her allergies? Is she not willing to do that?