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  1. TiredOfVikes

    "Cool" things you did in Middle School

    Back in middle school, I am sure there were some dumb things that everyone did that they thought were cool. At the time it seemed perfectly fine, but when you get older and get cooler, you look back and are somewhat ashamed. Well my personal experience was that I thought having frosted tips in...
  2. TiredOfVikes

    Do you like the person above you?

    why not
  3. TiredOfVikes

    Post a picture of a celebrity you would happily punch!

    wins. or her attention seeking boyfriend. Or both, in one uber-dual-cock-hitting punch
  4. TiredOfVikes

    AP Thread

    ap euro. got a 4 on human geo last year.
  5. TiredOfVikes

    Weekly Sketch Thread -

    heres a quickie..........
  6. TiredOfVikes

    Medi has passed away.

    Give me a second and I will get yo all the information. yes this is real. I would not joke on such a serious grievious thing. I was very Close to Medi, and the community I run that he was a part of is devastated at the moment. I will post the pictures from the service as well as links to...
  7. TiredOfVikes

    Lightsaber noises

    I think YODA has the last word on lightsabers.
  8. TiredOfVikes

    Basketball trivia: First Correct Answer gets 10 points!?

    what do Quinn Buckner, Magic Johnson, and Jerry Lucas all have in common?
  9. TiredOfVikes

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    I found this same thing last year in Sweden. Classes get cut down and in some gyms they just turn up for a friendly rolling session. Sounds like a decent place though - enjoy!
  10. TiredOfVikes

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    New song perhaps?
  11. TiredOfVikes

    Zimmerman Martin Case

    Maybe more common that one might think... Woman questioned, released after teen's shooting death Posted: Apr 30, 2013 1:59 PM BST Updated: Apr 30, 2013 5:24 PM BST By Amy Speropoulos - email
  12. TiredOfVikes

    Running Tips

    ^^^ sry to sort of hijack your thread, but what are some good breathing exercises?
  13. TiredOfVikes


    I'm not a fan of overly bitter coffee, so use a gold blend for instant and for filter I use the cafe brasilla, take it easyand cafe imperial range from taylors of Harrogate, which is available from Tesco.
  14. TiredOfVikes

    Dodgy Day at my school

    Cool send me a shirt
  15. TiredOfVikes

    Would you smash Sarah Palin?

    Good for her age but not like dope. Ehh, I'd fuck her...
  16. TiredOfVikes

    Poll: Yahoo or Google

    goooooogle not google
  17. TiredOfVikes

    How to assess a fight situation

    See the problem is when you post something like you did on here your going to get a lot of hate and retrospective advice about what you should of done. And about the evils of your friends behaviour. For future reference just ask the bit about analysing an opponent or you will get the lessons...
  18. TiredOfVikes

    Last Hair Cut Of My Life

    . Anytime a girl licks your ears means she wants your dick in or around her mouth.
  19. TiredOfVikes

    sms text on blackberry messenger, storm 2 9550?

    I'm trying to figure out why there is now no sms text caption on my one and only Blackberry contact...what happened was I deleted the "series" of messages, and the next series I started never popped back up...all there is is a blank space at the top of my message bubbles. Any suggestions on a...
  20. TiredOfVikes

    sms text on blackberry messenger, storm 2 9550?

    I'm trying to figure out why there is now no sms text caption on my one and only Blackberry contact...what happened was I deleted the "series" of messages, and the next series I started never popped back up...all there is is a blank space at the top of my message bubbles. Any suggestions on a...