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  1. L

    Why will some torrents not seed?

    Because there are no seeders. It's like "why won't Pizza Hut give me my food". Because there are no workers on staff. You may place an order for a pizza online but that doesn't mean a darn thing of there's nobody there to make it. Same with seeds and seeders. Now if you're talking about your...
  2. L

    Has anyone used the website called to buy anime...

    It's not a legit site in the sense that they're selling bootlegs. I saw on the front page they're selling the .hack//The Movie DVD. .hack//The Movie has only been licensed outside of Japan for Germany. So them selling a DVD with English subtitles is Red Alert on the fact that the original...
  3. L

    How good are the English subtitles on the DVD version of Loveless?

    >English translation was not that great. I'm a stickler for proper spelling and grammar, so that could be a deal breaker. You just said what was wrong. The translation. Not the spelling and grammar. If the spelling and grammar was bad. Then people would have said so. But they didn't. Because...
  4. L

    the order of the God Eater Manga?

    Read them in the order they were published in. God Eater - Kyuuseishu no Kikan God Eater - The Spiral Fate God Eater - The Summer Wars God Eater -The 2nd Break-
  5. L

    Name of these hent ai?

    1. Injuu Daikessen 2. Shinjin Tour Conductor
  6. L

    Vampire Knight Destiny?

    It's a rumor. Which is why there is no factual and credible evidence of it existing.
  7. L

    There are two versions of Inuyasha season 1 on DVD. Anyone know the differences

    Names of the sets mean nothing. A seller can change it to whatever they see fit. What's their ISBN/UPC numbers? That's like the social security number and can give us vital data to cross check with the original distributors database to tell use what that specific product is.
  8. L

    Which Anime am I thinking of?

    Kage kara Mamoru!
  9. L

    Dragonball Z question. Are the Remastered Funimation DVDs available in blue ray?

    Only up to episode 34 is on BluRay (2 sets). The rest was cancelled. Mainly because "remastered" was taken in the lowest possible term of "remaster" and people were getting gipped out of their money. Honestly, it barely looks any different than the original DVDs. Toei Animation, the company...
  10. L

    Where can I find or order the adult anime True Blue on DVD?

    As you can see, it was never licensed. So you can only buy the Japanese DVD and it won't have any English subtitles. Are you okay with that? Also Japanese DVDs are super expensive. You'd be paying over $100 to import both.
  11. L

    Higurashi No Naku Koroni Kai DVD Problems....?

    You bought a bootleg DVD. Rei was NEVER licensed for distribution outside of Japan. So....uh....we can't help you. It's a rip-off DVD made with poor quality materials so they can sell it for slightly cheaper so people like you would buy it thinking it's real. If it breaks, it breaks (aka the...
  12. L

    Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni KAKU - release date...?

    It airs with the spring anime so April would be it's start month. No start day has been given yet. Subs are released within 24 hours. There are currently no plans for a dub as the series hasn't even been finished to be made yet so no company can license it.
  13. L

    Who is this anime character?

    Can you post a link to the picture. There blonde hair, green eyed females with pink bows are a dime a dozen in the anime world.
  14. L

    Should I watch accel world anime?

    >Is that true? Yes. Accel World takes place in the 'future' of Sword Art Online. Both anime have the same original author for their light novels. The technology developments and background information is linked but none of the characters overlap due to there being a like a 20 year gap between...
  15. L

    Does the Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji) DVD's come with extras?

    For the Japanese DVD collection or the English DVD collection.
  16. L

    What's the relation between Tsubasa Chronicle and Cardcaptors?

    Tsubasa Chronicles encompass's all of CLAMP's worlds. Every single manga they've ever done is its own universe. And Tsubasa Chronicles travels to them and to new ones. So in the anime adaptation, we see Sakura from the Cardcaptors universe, help out Sakura from the Tsubasa Chronicles univserse...