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  1. L

    Moscow VS Madrid

    somewhere else? I want to go back to amsterdam :(
  2. L

    Movie related question

    At what level, top films are obviously ppaying more than say soft porn releases.
  3. L

    Why cant bll cosby die

  4. L

    Where did the bells of war samples come from?

    ***I already know about the La Express samples. ****Im asking about the instruments over that drum loop. Id really appreciate an answer.
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Never go vegatarian. I had the vegatarian option at lunch today and I've been hungry all bloody day.
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    Whats your FAVE beer?

    A pint of Timothy Taylors Landlord goes down well with a game of 8-ball.
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    Favorite Song of All time!!!!@***^&^^$

    Favorite Song of All time!!!!@***^&^^$ Superheroes-Edguy
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    yeah man i always try to bang moms and teachers :tup:
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    Most offended you have ever been (V.1337)

    This could have been a quality thread, if it wasn't st.
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    I wasnt aware of much argument on this subject, but to each his own.
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    So what have you named your schlong?

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    Eduardo injury

    Looks like a bad tackle, they were saying on the radio that they weren't sure whether it was actually that bad and he was just unlucky because Eduardo was too quick but it seems a bit over the ball. The pictures look terrible. Shame they lost in the end though eh?
  13. L

    Morrissey now a racist...

    Why do you find it offensive exactly? You can’t really understand fully what he means by that, it could mean anything.
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    if i design a phone and install an os android on it how can i sell it legally?

    i think i can do it cheaper than iphone or htc :D:D:D
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    New engine or street bike?

    I'm at a crossroad, its either i throw a k-series engine into my Honda civic, or i buy a Yamaha R6. I'm in it for the speed and the feeling of hella acceleration. I know a motorcycle is exponentially more dangerous and cheaper, but the feeling of hella power in your car is awesome too. Any thoughts?
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    Guy rules

    You just called the USMC, Mossad, The US Army, The Navy Seals, The British Army and The Gurkhas pussies?
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    what do you think is the most overused smilie?

    :crash: This used to be used more. I miss it. I feel so :foul: about it. Hai Mike.
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    I got braces

    I would have mine off, but I never wore my retainer either.. joyahoy.
  19. L

    Japanese and Sumerian Language related?

    I'm at the public library as I type this post, and five minutes ago I picked up a book called the 'Egyptology Handbook". It said that internal energy/lifeblood in ancient spoken Egyptian is "Ka". I noticed that that is somewhat similar to "Ki" in Japanese. It's a stretch, but who knows but...
  20. L

    is there a website where you can see old band tour dates?

    just wanted to know all the dates from different bands i have seen in the past. Bands like Incubus, tool, foo fighters etc