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    Forty Six

    No Way!?!?!?
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    What happened to Knight_Commander?

    Well, NaugthyKnight, its good you did finally return. Seems you have gotten quite popular and like Cavallin have earned your own thread on here. Must be a special honour, didn't work with me when I was gone for four weeks. Well, mate, glad you're back. Christian
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    Trip With My Dad...Where To?

    GO TO Autearoa (actual name for all you uneducated pplz) try to go to places outside of like Auckland. Maybe find a welcoming marae.
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    Sharks. OT you're stupid.
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    Crasy ass bird banging aganst my window!! WTF!!!!

    oh no, global warming!:eek:
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    Good things about Islam?

    err.. It's not graofftopicr. It's basic gradeschool spelling. Or as is the case... lack thereof.
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    Dragons, were they real animals?

    HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! hmm.. evolution or global flood and dinosaurs coexisting with humans... Science completely backs up evolution.. and disproves the coexistance of humans and dinosaurs and the global flood that never happened. There was a large flood...
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Fair one, sorry bud.
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    X-Men Round Up

    Moved to off topic.
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    i am not able to copy files from computer to dvd?

    that means its ready for burning. You need to burn it
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    Thread split - homeschooling

    as a student i am glad i am not home schooled. i go to one of the best schools in the state( and nation for some things) and geuss what? its public. go do a search on fayetteville manlius high school new york. yea you may see an article on a toilet being blown up but that doesnt bother me...
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    Toshiba Bubble Helmet

    Should Have Been Here 5 Hours Ago.
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    Anyone on MAP who's lived in very rural areas have any stories to tell? I'd be interested in hearing bujingodai's take on this since he's looked into this stuff as an investigator.
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    What Are The Rules For Cock Blocks?

    Pretty easy dilemma. Get the best looking guy friend you have and go out with the girls. When she starts hitting on your friend, insert many large coins into a magnum condom and then slap her as hard as you can across the face, while exclaiming "You just got cock socked, cunt."
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    We Demand To Know!

    I thought you'd have the common decency to edit "obligated" to read "obliged"
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    Might be Shens...

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    ok, my bio-family search update...

    Well, it should give you an advantage when it comes to invading stretches of eastern europe as per the world domination plan (kidding, naturally )
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    best and worst chat up lines

    Oi, don't be insensitive, has feelings too :@
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    Change the song name

    In The Light - Led Zeppelin