Search results

  1. S

    Favourite Names/Baby Names

    Of all the people here who are intend on naming their children 'unusual' names, do you have an unusual name? If not - you have no idea what it's like growing up with a name like that. Don't saddle your kids with that burden, life is tough enough.
  2. S

    Happy Thanksgiving Guize!

    dangers mom
  3. S

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    ^ is it the cheese, egg and burger combo? I found most tomato pasta sauces to be triggering so have to be careful to use small quantities and infrequently, and of course to keep some heartburn liquid in my medicine box at all times, tablets don't work
  4. S

    For the Lads!

    Luckily im 1/4 scotish 1/4th english 1/4th irish, 1/4th russian so I have 4 tries :P Yes im a mongrel, but at least im not welsh *waits to be beaten up by kgirl*
  5. S

    Meeting Ryan Sheckler tomorrow....

    what about porn?
  6. S

    Personal flaws?

    What do you see as your personal flaws & are you confronting them or do you intend to, perhaps you see them as being part of what is essentially "you" My biggest flaw is that i find it hard to focus concentration on a project, seeing it through to the end, i find this flaw highly irritating...
  7. S

    Was The Death Of Osama Bin Laden Real or a Hoax??

    I spent a third of my life wondering if he'd ever be brought to justice for what he did. In recent years, I gave up hope. Then all of a sudden, BAM, we get the news that not only did we get him, we got him in a surgical special forces ops where nobody outside his compound got hurt, and none of...
  8. S

    Best Superhero?

    superman sucks fat dick. edit: Rorschach is the best btw.
  9. S

    What The...

    What The... I have recently seen a package of 6 "petit fours" Would this be "petit six"?
  10. S

    Free speech?

    I suppose this gets to how "constitution" is defined. Aside from some elements regarding the operation of federal government, the US Constitution operates as a check on the power of government. In particular, it acts as a check on the political process by limiting the enactment and/or...
  11. S

    Woman gives birth to own grandchildren.

    Fair enough. Personally I find gut reactions are extremely bad at deciding what is wrong/right. But that's just me - i've never been one for emotivism.
  12. S

    I knew this was only a matter of time...

    I can't believe I read the whole of this thread. This is going in circles.
  13. S

    Horrible, horrible nightmare...

    Flashlock if you had unbuttoned your shirt you'd have found a big surprise. In order to save those kittens you didn't have to kill them (Vietnam anyone? )... opening your shirt and running your sweaty little hands down your chest would have told you that you've grown tender little pink cat...
  14. S

    The Picture game

  15. S

    Favorite Cheese?

  16. S

    really need iTunes for iPhone?

    iPhone needs iTunes. You don't have to use Apple's AAC format. iTunes does conversions to the universal MP3 format as well, so use that.
  17. S

    Original or 3g Iphone?

    Well the 3G is better. But a big feature of the iPhone is its internet connectivity. (btw iPhone's internet is like a computer's internet, not WAP or XHTML).
  18. S

    Original or 3g Iphone?

    Well the 3G is better. But a big feature of the iPhone is its internet connectivity. (btw iPhone's internet is like a computer's internet, not WAP or XHTML).
  19. S

    Original or 3g Iphone?

    Well the 3G is better. But a big feature of the iPhone is its internet connectivity. (btw iPhone's internet is like a computer's internet, not WAP or XHTML).
  20. S

    can any1 plz tell me that nokia 3120classic can connect to pc which has a...

    As long as the phone has bluetooth, yes it should, no problem.