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  1. K

    Continuing the "awwww"s

    Continuing the "awwww"s :tup: Snickers FTMFW
  2. K

    Six Nations

    I watched the Italy VS France game. Man France is a friggin' powerhouse. Steamrolled Italy. But God bless 'em... at least they still played when all hope was lost. Watching a good bit of that Rugby reminds me how a medieval battlefield must have looked. My business and rolling partner is an...
  3. K

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    The UK has numerous contingency plans for all sorts of attacks. They are laid in advance so that they can protect themselves if one of the contingencies happen. Does that mean that they are evil and are really just trying to take over a different country? No. It means it is trying to protect...
  4. K

    Its about that time. iTunes cleaning time!

  5. K

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    :-)) I know someone who works at the Nottingham Ice Stadium and they should be able to get me free access to a VIP box there for the Metallica gig, to say I'm overjoyed is an understatement!
  6. K


    Just relax.
  7. K

    kids names?

    Name it Eli Cash.
  8. K

    Nothing Like Waiting Till The Last Minute!

    I love the comment "more driver education in China." PFFFFTTTTTT!!! I see this every day in 'mericuh on my drive to and from work in the city.
  9. K

    Cops bust a keg party.....

    thats tight. i've always wanted to do something like that..... but then i always pussied out and just drank normal alcohol.
  10. K

    Wild accussation

    Adouglasmhor directed the best of Tophers pr0n. He was also the cameraman and organised the 'props'.
  11. K

    I found the new Brian Peppers

  12. K

    Police Brutality

    You can cenrtainly be that black and white about the issue, but you cannot be that black and white about the condition You do not "allow" it to control you, it just does. Recognising it when it comes on is the first step to preventing it from taking hold, but if it has been a 10 hour day, your...
  13. K

    Panetta on Congressional Approval

    http:// Just came across this as one of my friends who is still active in the military posted it. From what I saw in this clip, Panetta pretty blatently says that the president/administration does not need congressional approbal in order to...
  14. K

    ~~~~ !`Post your tat`!

    . Sad.
  15. K

    How many people would you sleep with?

    Threesome was 2 guys, 1 girl. I also had a 4some, triple teaming a girl, but it was non-sex so i didnt include it :p:
  16. K

    Renaming Marriage

    If you were that photographer, I would hope you were smart enough to say that you are busy that weekend, instead of putting yourself at risk to legalities and possible public humiliation.
  17. K

    Police had attacked man that died at G20 protests

    A Lance Corporal gets just under 24,500. So the police do get paid more
  18. K

    Attention everyone !

    ...Are you coming onto me?
  19. K

    Are Sleepovers Gay??

    as long as u dont look into each others eyes while ur buttsexing, its not gay