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  1. O

    How often does Paul switch back and forth from Tribeca_bell and Paul Grass?

    Ah, looks like another of his / her sock accounts has made an appearance. And with such grown up words too...lmao
  2. O

    Racist whites continue to post about Jeremiah Wright? Have they ever heard a

    Someone hasn't taken their meds this morning.
  3. O

    I'm more interested in who released the Cain story to Politico... how about you and

    It was me man. I needed to take the spot light off my bros and I when we get all violent a chit.
  4. O

    Will Rod Blagojevich now save his skin and dish the dirt on 0bama et al?

    Not if he wants that White House job. You just watch, that crook will get probation and get a job at the White House.