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  1. I

    I took a religion quiz twice and I scored high on SATANISM? WTF!?

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    Are 'christians' jealous of atheists who can live, love, and prosper without

    Obviously some do, us atheists live like kings.
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    Atheists, what if Jesus Christ turns out to be real? What are your thoughts if it...

    If God is real, he's unimaginably cruel and hurts you to help you. I don't want to worship a baby killer, he's nothing short of psychotic.
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    Do you think God laughs at people playing air guitar?

    Do you think the thing that created god laughs when god plays drown the whole earth in a flood?
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    Would it be fair if I tell my kid that God isn't real in the future?

    You have to tell it like it is. There is absolutely no evidence for a God. Proving or disproving a God is like trying to prove unicorn or leprechaun exists. There comes a certain point and time where you need to pop the training wheels off.
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    Christians answer plz?

    The bible has some good morals to be sure, but as you've listed above, it contradicts it. The bible treats women as second class citizens: "If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young...
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    Atheists: Why don't you accept Jesus Christ's pardon?

    Give me proof hell is real first, m'kay? And by the way, the rapture is post, not pre according to the bible. There is no pre part, that idea came from a lady that had a dream. When you understand why you dismiss Allah and all other gods, you'll understand why I dismiss yours.
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    Sadly, there is no heaven. (LOL)?

    There's no evidence that heaven, or your Christian god exists, therefore i'm not inclined to believe in it.
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    How to handle homo sexuality?

    Did you choose to be straight? Ignorant people like you sicken me.
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    ATHEISTS, with the oncoming global economic collapse, how do you not see it as

    The Christians you vote in, that bs you every 4 years, that bend you over are fulfilling it, idiot.
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    Are there any good books about bible prophecy?

    Read god is not great by Christopher Hitchens.
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    Prophecy Eastcoast earthquake coming?

    That's not proof of a sky daddy, no.