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  1. F

    is eharmony a good site to join?

    e-Harmony is one of the more respected dating sites, but the bottom line is they all want your money.
  2. F

    Do dreams tell the future? I keep having a dream, a random dream about who...

    Dreams are a movie your subconscious mind creates from random thoughts that plays on the inside of your eyelids. There is no real meaning to them. BTW, what you described is lust, not love.
  3. F

    bible prophecy state about end of the world. it's true?

    Its all true, and we only have 5 billion more years before our sun expands into a red giant and scorches the Earth. Better put your affairs in order because time is short.
  4. F

    Me and my husband going on vacation this week?

    Since this is the first vacation opportunity for you and your husband to spend alone time together, I would suggest vacationing in a different location. The relatives should not be hurt because you weren't even in their country (or part of the world even). You can always visit the relatives...
  5. F

    How did the people from jersey shore become so famous?

    By being trashy low-life's in front of a camera and having more trashy low-life's watch it.