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  1. J

    When Obama says "Common sense tax hikes" what does he mean?

    Up until the 1970's, everyone paid their far share in taxes. What so terrible about that ?
  2. J

    POLL: How do gay guys dance at a gay club?

    I'm sure that they'll gladly give you dance lessons.
  3. J

    POLL: How do gay guys dance at a gay club?

    I'm sure that they'll gladly give you dance lessons.
  4. J

    Spiritually speaking, is Obummer sad that on his recent trip to Indonesia, his

    Do the Republicans really think that preventing the people from going back to work, will help them win a election? Killing the Jobs Bill is a death sentence for the GOP. Wake up.
  5. J

    Do you agree that we see the stage set for the remaining endtime Bible

    These same claims have existed for centuries.
  6. J

    why is it that on my cubicle desk i am sleepy but when i go to take a nap...

    Perhaps a lack of oxygen at your cubicle.
  7. J

    What do you think of the future of computers, technology in next 10 year or more?

    I saw a prototype of a Japanese computer with the monitor projected on to a wall & the keyboard is projected onto a desk surface and a small terminal for adding accessories.
  8. J

    What do you think when you see your bishop/pastor/etc at the gay bar?

    The Pope knows but he's not saying a thing.
  9. J

    What do you think of the future of computers, technology in next 10 year or more?

    I saw a prototype of a Japanese computer with the monitor projected on to a wall & the keyboard is projected onto a desk surface and a small terminal for adding accessories.
  10. J

    why do christians disagree a banana could make a miracle?

    It was a miracle that Jesus never had to buy wine.
  11. J

    Atheists: Why did no “other god” accurately predict and fulfill the...

    How almighty can a God be if he always needs money?
  12. J

    Does god exist merely for our benefit?

    Than why would an almighty God ask for money ?
  13. J

    Why does the passion of the christ line up with the chronicles of narnia if you...

    Religion has been doing that for the longest time. Thousands of years before Christianity, the Sumerians believed that God had sex with women on earth and any children born were then worshiped as Gods, The Egyptians had the same thing with their Gods. The came the Greeks who believed that Zeus...
  14. J

    Do Jews today still carry the blood curse from murdering Christ?

    But the Romans killed Jesus because he said that the Kingdom of God was mightier than the Kingdom of Cesar. Or is it a sin to study history ?
  15. J

    Why is it that 90% of religion bashers are atheist or agnostic?

    Because the remaining believers who question religion are afraid to speak out. Religion uses a protection mechanism called, blasphemy, where you're punished if you do.
  16. J

    What are you willing to sacrifice for Jesus Christ?

    Jesus never asked anyone to sacrifice for him, but Christianity knows how to make beliefs come out of his mouth.
  17. J

    what are some filling veggie/vegan dishes?

    Humus or Tahina
  18. J

    Did Christ do the will of God prior to the cross, also refuse mingled drink on the

    I wish that they was a historical account of exactly what happened instead of just a religious one. Would they be different?
  19. J

    "Prophecies" about 2012?

    The original Mayan prediction was for a great change not the end of the world. The problem is that some people are easily deceived and there's money to be made by scaring people about doomsday.