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  1. S

    Isn't it funny that god is infinite but somehow manages to be undetectable by our...

    ...senses? If god exists then we should be able to see him 'cuz he is might say "But you can't see air" true i can't...but i never claimed air has infinite qualities/properties ! lulz
  2. S

    Atheists: Name some reasons why you don't think organized religions

    no..i do not have a 'belief' in the non-existance of something. I deny the existence of this being which has no evidence. Now moving on to the reasons :Opression of groups of people like homosexuals,atheists and women. Non tax paying=bad for the economy. Trying to influence school sylabusses
  3. S

    Its funny how Atheist like to argue about God but are afraid to say...

    dude..most of us are ex theists....end of discussion u tard yea and btw..change ur avatar..ur making bear grylls look bad
  4. S

    whats your opinion on people who literally believe in supernatural creatures such...

    well..judging ppl is not my cup of tea
  5. S

    Atheists, What exactly is proof of God? Apparently God's signature isn't...

    he comes right down here and refills my can of pepsi and reseals it...thats my idea of extra ordinary evidence
  6. S

    Atheist, what would you do if Jesus Christ was real and come back?

    load my shotgun....and when he comes....go hunting bunnies with him