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  1. B

    How do Christians respond to these failed Bible prophecies?

    OMG, so awesome, keep up the good work!!! Sounds like Zion is a whore.
  2. B

    Does the Qur'an contain any prophecies about the future? Have any of these

    It burns rather good. It does not float in Toilet Water. The pages are not too rough to wipe with. My goats like it. It absorbs piss fairly well. The ripping of the pages, puts babies to sleep.
  3. B

    What can a committed Christian do when they find their faith is weak?

    Train harder. Jesus lacks a practice, Buddha has one: Mind is like Dirty Water, all the moving thoughts are the dirt particles that stir the water of the mind and make it murky, but when you still the mind, the rest of the dirt drops to the bottom, and the water becomes crystal clear, this is...
  4. B

    I had a dream....that was riddled with masons, devilry; and....a child burning?

    You saw something at an early age and cannot remember it, go see a Hypnotist.
  5. B

    What does this prophecy mean?

    Daydreaming dipshits.
  6. B

    any religion? according to you? what do you need to do in order to have

    I pray for heartbreak, loss of belongings, mayhem, being at the wrong place at the wrong time, sexual molestation, rape, murder, loss of a loved one, drug dealers, addiction to narcotics, expensive insurance, expensive rent, your dog getting ran over, tornadoes and tsunami-**** storms...
  7. B

    Doesn't it make more sense to search for the truth, than blindly accept ANY...

    Finding Truth: In the Kalama Sutra, Buddha says. Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it.. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in...
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    What is the difference between Protestantism and Judaism?

    Protestants believe in a false messiah, while the Jews still wait for him. Consider the source of the Christian's Ignorance. John 3:16 says, Cause Jesus forgives. There's no reason to practice Morality. So being an evil little heathen and believing in Jesus will get ya to heaven. However if you...
  9. B

    does God really laugh?

    Like a nutjob.
  10. B

    Why are so many christians interested in the topic of Religion and Spirituality?

    False Pride. God likes to be worshipped, but Christians like to be worshipped more, that's why they preach his BS. It's Attention Whoring, that's all it is.
  11. B

    Did Jesus Christ learn Buddhism when he went to Tibet when he was 14 and stayed

    there until 29? Did Jesus learn how to Baptize with Fire from where he borrowed from the Buddhist Tummo Teachings? I hate it when other teachers borrow from Buddha, change the title around and make it sound like they are the originator of that teaching...
  12. B

    Brothers and Sisters in Christ, when do you think Jesus will come back?

    Why must he come back after you? The truth is, he already came back, and left.