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  1. I

    Concerning Old Testament prophecy...?

    I wonder, in the past when people lived as tribes... was the idea of being scattered and regrouping something that happened more often? Did this happen to the Jews previously?
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    Jews, if I went through the Torah and used it to debunk Orthodox Judaism like...

    @Brad - Christians do most of the cherry-picking We learned it from the masters.
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    Is it possible that my subconscious is secretly working against me in any way?

    What's that bugger up to now?
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    What advice do you have for a meerkat who periodically falls in love with the

    world...? but each time comes away with a broken heart
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    No religion no war.....?

    No OIL no war.
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    Atheists, how can you ignore various bible prophecies that came true why...

    There are earthquakes, famines and droughts every year. They are.........NATURAL PROCESSES......not caused by a magic man in the sky, sorry
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    Why is Jesus such a joked-about guy?

    Is it the long hair and the toga? Suggested category: Society & Culture > Cultures & Groups > Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered
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    Why do you think people complain about Christians choosing Dec.25 to commemorate

    Personally, I don't complain, but I think it's indicative of the way Christianity has borrowed from other religions and simply made stuff up. Some people think that god really was born on Dec 25th; it's pathetic, really.
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    God's birthday is coming up. What do you get for the guy who has everything?

    Hey Christians who claim to have a 'personal relationship' with Jesus, maybe you could help me work out a good gift, since you talk to him so much.