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  1. S

    Iphone 4s at&t for T-Mobile family plan?

    I want to order this iphone 4s on ebay but it says at&t, can I still get it and use it under my family's T-mobile family plan?
  2. S

    Does anybody know how to set up netflix on a blueray? Please call me at

    I don't think you can on blue ray, but I might be wrong, I don't own one. Nevertheless, I am replying to this not because I have the answer you are looking for, but as a word of warning because I believe you are a senior. So, my advice: never give any personal information out online. Ever. To...
  3. S

    negative effects of just nicotine?

    i got an electric cigarette to help quit and i was wondering what are the health effects of only nicotine i never looked into it because i knew how many fucked up things were in a normal cigarette. so what about just nicotine?