Search results

  1. R

    My cousin just passed his test! And I want to promote this ESL company

    I hope you or someone else can benefit from this post because my cousin was having a hard time with learning English and passing the test then we were referred by a family friend to check out this organization called I-courses and he did GREAT and passed his test!! Yay! Thought I should spread...
  2. R

    Finally found a place where I can send minutes to my Son in Iraq

    Go to Mi-pay and check out this excellent service, they have 150 mobile operators in over 50 countries and if you cannot use them right now, I encourage you to at least go to the website and book mark it for future reference if not for yourself but for someone else that may wish to send minutes...
  3. R

    Webeserve good or bad company to work for?

    This may sound lame but I need an extra job and some people say this job is a scam others say its good and now I am completely confused and so i need help and advice. Thanks for the help!! :hammer punch:
  4. R

    Is Webesurve a scam?

    Is Webesurve a scam? I want to sign up with them but I am not sure if that is a good idea, help?