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  1. M

    What's the name of this song?

    there is this song on Vimeo and i don't know what song it is. i heard it's instrumental of some rap, hippo pp or pop music. anyways it starts at the beginning of some video about a Sim in the sims 2. and the title of the video is Knock Out Preview. the creator of the video is name jasmine...
  2. M

    Are we Americans becoming thin skinned pansies - where is you sense of humor

    Who are you to tell a Chinese person what they should be offended by ?
  3. M

    Did Obama Go On Vacation Again? My 401k is About To Get Hammered?

    He has taken less time than just about every other President at this stage of their term. Obama Haters don't care about the truth.
  4. M

    Why is it that per capita food stamp usage is higher in the red states yet those

    They never look at per capita amounts when it comes to government assistance. I don't think they even know what it means.
  5. M

    Why do right wing gun owners whine about how the federal govt. is going... take their guns when there has not? a federal gun control law passed in this country since 1995? Even the Federal Assault Weapons Ban expired in 2004.
  6. M

    Can anyone try to argue Janet Napolitano's side on this one? Should we...

    from your link: ""The content and subject of these videos may have violated regulations concerning disclosure of sensitive security information," That pilot signed agreement not to disclose sensitive information.
  7. M

    Why don't white people stop whining and start a white organization to...

    ...fight for equal rights for whites? I am not talking about all white people only the ones that cry about how if they did they would be called racist. Then those same people call the NAACP racist because fight for equal rights for black people. I am talking about the ones that forgot black...
  8. M

    Did BH Obama go off the tele-prompter when he started ranting about, I...

    What he said was "Take a tally. Look at what I promised during the campaign. There’s not a single thing that I’ve said that I would do that I have not either done or tried to do. And if I haven’t gotten it done yet, I’m still trying to do it."
  9. M

    I keep hearing Beck and other Republicans ranting about this horrible evil George...

    They are too lazy to do any research for themselves.