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  1. R

    The World's Largest Gummy Worm Is Wrong On So Many Levels [Video]

    Yeh this is just wrong in some many ways, haha They has this i believe on the food network once, haha
  2. R

    Evan Almighty Review

    They have been playing this movie like crazy on TNT, TBS most of the turner network channels. Its a great movie, teaches about facts, life and family. I ve always like these almighty movies, bruce and avan.
  3. R

    How come when I breathe with my nose, it makes this whistly, wheezing sound?

    Could be blocked sinus, try some decongestent medicine, if that doesnt help you may ant to see a ENT if you are trouble breathing. Hope this helps
  4. R

    So, as Election Day approaches, have the desperate D-rats resorted to outright lies?

    I believe so, i am starting to see commercials with so many claims, good and bad. Some are resulting to insults and degrading each other. I know politics are politics but still enough should be enough.