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  1. G

    samsung galaxy note 2 or samsung galaxy s3?

    Note 2 you can use two apps at one if compatible battery last longer S3 is just like any android phone running 4.0.1 , they're both good phones but ill prefer the note 2 I like watching movies
  2. G

    Can I send a song I have on iTunes to my phone through bluetooth?

    No apple does not use Bluetooth technology to transfer music pictures and ringtones, what u can do is use the USB cable that came with your phone, hook it up to ur cp, open up the music folder in your phone and drag the song u want from iTunes, that always works
  3. G

    What does the HF on the new Honda civic stand for?

    Just wondering also is it replacing the hx from 95just how they brought the cr-z for the cr-x
  4. G

    new iphone 4 earbuds?

    i got the iphone last week and i just opened the ear buds today but im having trouble using the volume control does anyone know how to use them....thanks for reading
  5. G

    What are some good beginner sport bikes?

    i am about 5"9 at the moment. I am fifteen and I have decided on buy a bike instead of a car. I all ready have all the money for the gear and about 3,000 dollars saved up for the bike now all I need is to wait one more year to get my license.