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  1. Can you split screen on borderlands 2 Xbox?

    Why not make your brother a separate account so he can log in and make his own character.. also i think you can make a character as a guest as well ( but it won't save maybe? ) i don't know whenever my and my friends play we log in to our separate accounts (yes on one xbox) and YES you have...
  2. POLL which song do you find creepier/ more disturbing?

    do listen to the whole song, for this little study to work.. or at least listen into the main areas.. since some get sicker to the end. i'm choosing these vids so the video won't alter the perception of the song Korn - Shoots and Ladders youtube...
  3. Which smartphone should i buy?

    i like android phones :) for me personally its the best system, im looking forward to getting a droind X soon. its really just down to personal preference. since most quality smartphones are pretty close, now if you like blackberrys OS or style or anything then go for that, check out what each...