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  1. S

    Because homo and heterosexuality isn't a choice, what about bisexuality?

    It's no more a choice than being straight or gay. We can't just up and decide who we want to fall in love with. If we could, I'm sure there would be no bisexuals because we would have all chosen one way or the other. I don't know, nor do I care, what causes it. I don't think love needs to be...
  2. S

    If your a Wicaan is it an Anti-Christ act?

    Wicca is a religion. Wiccans don't believe in sin, so no, Wicca is not a sin. If you are Christian and you believe that any religion besides you own is a sin, then yes, you'd probably think that Wicca, just like Buddhism, Islam and Hinduism, is a sin according to your religion. -Scarlet
  3. S

    So, does this mean that if I stamp my feet, whine and institute a "Burn the Bible"

    So, does this mean that if I stamp my feet, whine and institute a "Burn the Bible" day...? Does this mean that if I stamp my feet and shake my fists and declare March 17th 2011 an "official burn a bible day" (in...