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  1. P

    Is this a possiblity why my bf & I are always arguing w/ each..?

    Every two or three weeks we always argue over the dummest stuff like, why I never come over his house or Im selfish.. When we first met which was "July 3, 2010" he was so sweet and romantic, now were just arguing CONSTANLY! And he said us talking on the phone is getting boring and we talk about...
  2. P

    Is this a possiblity why my bf & I are always arguing w/ each..?

    Every two or three weeks we always argue over the dummest stuff like, why I never come over his house or Im selfish.. When we first met which was "July 3, 2010" he was so sweet and romantic, now were just arguing CONSTANLY! And he said us talking on the phone is getting boring and we talk about...
  3. P

    My boyfriend just told me that our phone conversations are getting boring....?

    He said we talk about the same stuff over and over again and he said we have no phone chemistry. What can I do to make our conversations more funnier? And we dont like phone sex by the way.. What can we do?
  4. P

    Females or Males, can you explain this feeling I have during "Sex"?

    Everytime my boyfriend & I have sex and when we do the missionary, my nose and face turns red and when he's on top of me my body gets warm (my ears, neck, chest, hands, etc) and my insides get warm... and then i feel sweaty when im not.. Please explain!