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  1. U

    What is the song used in the LG Optimus commercial?

    It's one of those songs that's riding the thin line between quirky but cool and too irritating to handle. The song has a harp background and a singer who sounds like Lisa Simpson after she had cracked open a few of Homer's Duff Beers.
  2. U

    If someone you don't like has a trucking company, pays off the books, can you rat...

    They're free to try to organize his employees, but there are many ways for him to combat a unionization effort as well.
  3. U

    Let me get this straight...the same people who lambaste people for not...

    ...being "tolerant" of a religion...? ...which features a commandment to slaughter the infidel and adherents who are all too eager to live up to said commandment, then have the sheer audacity and hypocrisy to whine about someone dabbling in witchcraft when she was in high school and someone else...
  4. U

    Why is it conservatives are always complaining about P.C.?

    Because it places certain topics off limits for discussion and debate, which is NOT how a free society is supposed to operate. BTW, I am NOT "girth-enhanced", I'm a fat guy, dammit!
  5. U

    Is the "Race Card" getting out of hand when Al Sharpton and the Black Pather Party

    They planned to sue Whirlpool because all their washing machines were white. They dropped the suit when it was pointed out that every last one of them has a black agitator.
  6. U

    Why doesn't Rush do any fact checking before he starts to rant like an idiot?

    Oh the humanity! He was wrong about a man killing a bear! When should we schedule the hara kiri? Now, would you care to discuss Dan Rather's little slip up or Michael Moore's falsehood per minute record in fahrenheit 911?
  7. U

    Why must Rush have medical complications when ever he vacation outside of

    He doesn't. Why did Obama and Larry Sinclair play Hide the Sausage while flying high on coke?
  8. U

    What do you think about Israel making it a crime punishable by death for a Jew to...

    ...sell land to a Palestinian? Isn't that heinous? Why, it simply smacks of totalitarianism and apartheid, doesn't it? How could anyone be in favor of such a law? Doesn't ot violate all civilized standards of decency?
  9. U

    Do pro-gay marriage people realize that forcing their beliefs on people by

    judicial fiat will result in more..? for a constitutional amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman? People do not like to have their popular will shunted aside because it's not sufficiently PC. It is obvious that defenders of traditional marriage could muster...
  10. U

    Who is up for some "Political Humor"? Thats as far as I go discussing "Politics"...?

    It reminds me of the (probably apocryphal) story about a French officer who asked why NATO staff meetings were always held in English. Someone answered, "Because the Brits, Americans, and Canadians made sure they wouldn't have to be held in German." As I said, probably just a story, but a...
  11. U

    Whatever became of the Vietnamese guy with the yacht and the hotties whose...

    ...infomercial used to be everywhere? I don't remember his name, but he used to proclaim, "You can be rich rike me!". The guy was better than cartoons. The "You're gonna love my nuts" SlapChop guy is OK, but he's got nothing on the little Vietnamese guy!
  12. U

    Whatever became of the Vietnamese guy with the yacht and the hotties whose...

    ...infomercial used to be everywhere? I don't remember his name, but he used to proclaim, "You can be rich rike me!". The guy was better than cartoons. The "You're gonna love my nuts" SlapChop guy is OK, but he's got nothing on the little Vietnamese guy!
  13. U

    Whatever became of the Vietnamese guy with the yacht and the hotties whose...

    ...infomercial used to be everywhere? I don't remember his name, but he used to proclaim, "You can be rich rike me!". The guy was better than cartoons. The "You're gonna love my nuts" SlapChop guy is OK, but he's got nothing on the little Vietnamese guy!