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  1. J

    Jews - do you believe your religion, Judaism, is the true religion?

    Who would honestly do something false? Lots of people. Then we come to the question of why.
  2. J

    Tarot: How would you interpret Three of Swords + The Lovers as what someone

    If you think the bible is enough of God's word, you're right; it's enough to send you to hell.
  3. J

    Question about Judaism?

    Prepare to live forever. There are an eternity of eternities.
  4. J

    what is the need of praying to god?

    Prepare to live forever. There are an eternity of eternities.
  5. J

    is religion a disease?

    Atheists: the light waves emitted from your computer screen, what do they prove so far as your matrix of perspective is concerned?
  6. J

    Atheists: do you like to argue for the sake of arguing, or something deeper?

    You're a system of perspective. You're a matrix of Perspective. There are an eternity of eternities.
  7. J

    Divx not working right?

    All things are numbered unto God. I'm your friend even if you're not mine. Enjoy yourself as much as you should.
  8. J

    When Hitler stood up to rant in the beer halls of munich...?

    if the good drinkers had taken him more lightly, instead of buying his act, snickered and hooted and pelted him with sausage skins, the holocaust might have been avoided.
  9. J

    Why didn't Jesus say anything about physical fitness?

    He has indirectly? His voice is Spirit, even the spirit of truth. All things have their origin in eternity.
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    When it comes to God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, what do you believe...?

    How much time have you spent thinking about All-Knowledge? Good luck.
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    When people seek the Lord out of selfish fear, will God not be found and only...

    God is just, but also merciful, of course.
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    Banquetf... I have an attitude of gratitude towards your sacrifices. If humor...

    ...could save your soul...? you'd be clear for take off. In five...four...three...
  13. J

    Christians ! Do any of you know about Bible Prophecy !?

    We may not imagine how our lives could be more frustrating and complex--but Congress can.
  14. J

    Christians: Do you believe that the power in other religions comes from Satan?

    The truth will make you free. Your obsessions can save your soul. You're obsessed with moderation.
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    It is hard for me to believe in an afterlife, but I am a non-denominational...

    Read the book of mormon. The supra-temporal eternity of all-knowledge is a little different than this finite stretch of process.