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  1. 1

    TNA Turning point predictions whoever gets the most right gets BA?

    jeff hardy mcmg robbie e fortune mickie james joe rvd the pope
  2. 1

    TNA Turning point predictions whoever gets the most right gets BA?

    jeff hardy mcmg robbie e fortune mickie james joe rvd the pope
  3. 1

    what is you favorite wrestling dvd cover?

    this is mine
  4. 1

    Hey what do you think about these two predictions for tonight's PPV?

    the first one is great but for the second one i still make sheamus the wwe champ and i will have hhh return and attack sheamus
  5. 1

    what do you guys think of a jbl dvd?

    will it be good if made bq 1 what would the title be for it bq 2 who else deserves a dvd