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  1. V

    does liberal lack of understanding of the problem with fiat money lead to

    Nice to know that you're on par with Occupy Wall St.
  2. V

    Atheists, in the near future if a technology existed to completely replicate

    A thought experiment! Yay! I think the process of dissecting my cells, cell by cell, might kill me. But hell if it worked for others! I wouldn't believe them though, but assuming it had worked, and it was verified, then there's really no point to this. A cell is a sum of amino acids and it is...
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    Are homosexuals required to be celibate in Judaism?

    Can't you just do what everyone else does and find a denomination, and/or faith that suits you, whether it contradicts your dogma or not? Discovering who you are as a human being is the most important thing you can do, rather than allowing others to discover it for you.
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    If God created all life on earth, did he use the stars to do it?

    Or are we in fact birthed of stars, which in no way details an Abrahamic, divine, interventionist Lord? "Forget Jesus, the stars died for us" –Lawrence Krauss
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    If I could build a ship that traveled inter-dimensionally through time...?

    and had the knowledge of everybody's lives at my fingertips, could I rule the world? If I ruled the world how would you object?
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    Didn't MSNBC used to be a lot more to the center?

    That's one of the things I used to really enjoy about the network. I could get angry and relieved all at the same time. I still love Keith Olberman's commentary. I don't think Republicans come on his show because he's impossible to debate, although I would love to see that no matter the...
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    Why do people act so annoyingly in an attempt to be funny?

    Saturday Night Live is on another TV in the house. It's incredibly loud and obnoxious. I miss John Belushi.