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  1. T

    Why are they always joking about my sexual life?

    These are the caliber of people I stay away from. I have a feeling I wouldn't want to be in the same neighborhood. but hundreds of miles away. I had a uncle like that Speaking of family the things my father called my mother I wouldn't dare bring a female around the house. They were positive I...
  2. T

    Heard a juicy rumor regarding atheists. Is this true?

    One person said some people just buried common sense and logic. Another good example.
  3. T

    why do people eaves drop and gossip?

    Because they don't have a life.
  4. T

    Are guys likely to believe girl gossip?

    I rather find out myself.
  5. T

    Any advice on how to handle hearing your parent having sex?

    Get over it. Sex is here to stay.
  6. T

    always arguing with my boyfriend?

    If this is the kind of relationship you want happy arguing, it's not for me.
  7. T

    Girls be honest...would you like this guy as a romantic interest?

    Being a guy no but females have their own ideas. On the subject my lady is 16 years younger then me.
  8. T

    Senior Citizens, have you had to replace a lot electrical gadgets at the...

    The microwave is a 650w should be a 1100 w. Who needs a kettle when you can heat in the microwave. Never used a sandwich toaster I use my trusty frying pan and they come out perfect every time I got a 4 slice chefmate toaster from Target works great
  9. T

    Is he interested or NOT?

    Seems he's pulling the strings. My dear if he wants you let him come to you. You hold the cards but not playing a winning hand. Your the prize make him earn it. Females still haven't learned they need you a lot more then you need him. If he wants you he has to learn to be a team player...
  10. T

    Would I be considered a lesbian?

    Angel I agree females are so much better at making love then guys. Put a naked man next to a naked women and the female wins every time.
  11. T

    Sadly, there is no heaven. (LOL)?

    Nothing more LOGIC then a christian.
  12. T

    How to let a guy know you're interested?

    he asks loads of girls out I don't want to be easy. You don't want him at all more then likely he wants to bang you and move onto the next victim. What about him do you like? He'll use you then toss you away. . he asks loads of girls out means many tell him to get lost. or soon find out he...
  13. T

    I like her but shes interested of being friends.. what should I do?

    If I really like/love a female I never lose contact. You just never know what happens down the road. My best friend just got trashed by her husband all to my favor.
  14. T

    I am doing a survey about visual sexual stimulation, can you help?

    I watched porn as a kid then found out there was no comparison between watching and making love with a real live lady. Mother thumb and her 4 daughters or a real lady your choice I know what I want.
  15. T

    He said he loves me, I think it was a joke?!?

    He may love what he sees but doesn't know you inside. Not really guys are visual and only think about themselves. Your right someone can't love you with out knowing you. He only loves what he sees.
  16. T

    Is my friend a lesbian???????!!!!?

    That would be a good guess.
  17. T

    Have a problem with a sex buddy of mine? :/ did something go wrong? lol?

    Maybe thinks you will get pregnant and he wants no part of it. Chalk it up to one more of life's experiences
  18. T

    I love tomboys. so does that mean im a lesbian?

    What you think you are you become. When it comes to sexuality half the world is confused.