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  1. Y

    LCD monitor won't work(narrowed down the problems)?

    Tried the displayer on bot on-board vga and other computers.Changed cables.Problem is the same.While pc isn't open,the blue led light on the screen just turns on and off as normal.When turned on the pc,it doesn't display anything and LED keeps blinking,but the on-time of the LED is gets a lot...
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    Hypothetically, what would atheists say when they die and actually meet their...

    Oh my Creator send me back to Earth and I will worship you as you ought to be worshiped. But this wont be granted.....
  3. Y

    Jews, Muslims, etc. believe in God -- yet the atheists usually only dump on

    No, you are totally wrong, Atheists will debate with all faiths & beliefs.
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    Why are Palestinian Christians as Militant as Palestinian Muslims?

    If one is titled as Barbaric trying to recapture their own native motherland than whatever I say or write will not matter, your brains will not comprehend this, your preempted mind is so racist you can not differ black from white and with all your ignorance yet you will judge others.