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  1. A

    Why are people arguing over Zain Malik's ethnicity / race?

    How we arguing about him? We don't even know who he is.
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    Who was the first celebrity who did plastic surgery?

    To have more fans?
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    Is karate kid 2010 a movie with an anti-asian male subtext?

    Hollywood (White Men) view Asian Guys as a threat
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    Where do bIack people come up with all their funny slang terms?

    From the music they listen to, from BET tv show
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    Do malaysian ppl still speak melayu these days?

    I noticed that you guys tend to use english nowadays. Even Y!A malaysia is in english. If u click and read some of Q and A in Y!A indonesia, would you still fully understand them? Do you also participate in y!a indonesia sometimes?
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    What's the funniest joke you've heard?

    Anything about MJ