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  1. O

    Predictions for rest of playoffs?

    Rangers over Detroit in 6 and the Cards over Milwaukee in 6. Rangers beat Cards in 7.
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    a friend sent this christmas greeting "happy birthday jesus G. christ " what...

    It sounds ... cyncial. It sounds ... disrespectful. I have NO IDEA what it means other than what I just said.
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    Christians: You CAN argue religion without threatening hell on people, right?

    As a Christian, it is 100 percent clear to me that NO ONE is going to hell because I think it, believe it, want it, or threaten it! So, I have never used that "threat" to wage an argument. But at the same time, I realize that some do. Just keep in mind that Yahoo is a free forum for ANYONE...
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    Why don't Christians sell the expensive churches and use the money to help the poor?

    I'm pretty sure given you're "question" that you're not a Christian. You must therefore think that Christians are hypocrits a lot! Given that, is this really the best you can do?
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    Is believing in prayer to God to show me my future through my dreams...

    I don't even think I understand the question! Let's break it down: 1. There is a God! The God of the Bible is the one true God. 2. Belief in God is always going to be your starting point. 3. Prayer is how we talk to God. 4. God can speak to us through our hearts, minds, thoughts, dreams, etc...
  6. O

    Convert to Judaism, from a Christian who is half-Jewish?

    You know that Judaism is at once a RACE of people and a religious system of belief. I have NO IDEA what goes into determining your Jewish ancestry. As for the belief system, I have STRONG opinions, facts, and points to consider: 1. There are three current belief systems seen among modern-day...