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  1. G

    Easy question for Christians. What is 2 + 2?

    If you are thinking 4, then you are wrong. It is Jesus, because he is the answer to everything. Amen. But seriously all joking aside, we evolved from monkeys.
  2. G

    On the first day God created the Heavens and the Earth, then he made light?

    How is that smart? I would of made light first, then the earth. It is bad for your eyes to work in the dark.
  3. G

    Are you serious? Are you really bored or do you like to argue?

    I do believe you are in the wrong section. This section is for R&S.
  4. G

    Everyone: What would be your response, If someone in this world solved the

    What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries? A towel. You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you eat? An ear of corn. or a chicken What goes around the world but stays in a corner? A stamp. Those are riddles. You are...
  5. G

    this is not a Religious Joke?

    Thumbs up.
  6. G

    Spiritually speaking, what would you do?

    The world would feel my iron fist.
  7. G

    Serious Christians......?

    My questions get deleted in a heart beat. But when angry white guy down there asks about his daughter and the black guy. Sigh....hypocrites. Justify all my points and accounts lost to you in your wraith.
  8. G

    I have seen comments from Christians saying that they believe evolution is true,

    and that God was behind it? As an atheist I am glad that you accept evolution, but where do you find this in your bible? It is kinda hypocritical to accept this and not everything else.
  9. G

    I have seen comments from Christians saying that they believe evolution is true,

    and that God was behind it? As an atheist I am glad that you accept evolution, but where do you find this in your bible? It is kinda hypocritical to accept this and not everything else.
  10. G

    I have seen comments from Christians saying that they believe evolution is true,

    and that God was behind it? As an atheist I am glad that you accept evolution, but where do you find this in your bible? It is kinda hypocritical to accept this and not everything else.
  11. G

    Atheist, since you are so smart, then can you give me any reason?

    not to believe you
  12. G

    Atheist, since you are so smart, then can you give me any reason?

    not to believe you
  13. G

    Christians, what would you do if we Atheist were not here on the R&S section?

    Maybe you could actually read you bible in your spare time?
  14. G

    When people realize that the Religion and Spirituality section of Yahoo...

    God put you in charge of judging people. That was cool of him. See ya in hell.
  15. G

    My new religion, anyone care to join.?

    Now we will still accept science as fact. But, I am starting to believe we live in a world like the sims. Except only about 5 percent of us control our own character. The other 95 percent are just programs here for our amusement. This is the only way I can explain why people are so stupid. They...
  16. G

    Where di Jesus go when he died.?

    Do you know your bible? di=did drrrrr