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  1. L

    Did any one ask for the latest 0bama approval ratings? LOL sad isn't it?

    Hmm maybe the foreigners are right. America is stupid and uneducated lol
  2. L

    Is it illegal to torrent games that were released years ago and are no

    If the games are Abandonware, then yes it's legal. Otherwise, no
  3. L

    Trivia question: What's the last song you heard?

    Katy Perry - ET. Catchy, but overplayed and annoying now
  4. L

    help with a skidrow torrent?

    You sure? I've never seen any of their torrents w/o a SKIDROW folder inside
  5. L

    In 2012, the economy hasn't improved, will cons forget that republicans were...

    Lol. And what has your messiah done to improve the economy in the last 2 yrs?
  6. L

    Could this motherboard fit a Radeon 6850?

    Yeah of course. The only thing to consider is whether your case itself is big enough to fit higher end cards. It shouldn't be a problem with a 6850 unless your case is shorter or cramped
  7. L

    How do you get rid of "waiting" or "loading" apps on the iPad?

    Sell it, and get a REAL computer, i.e Windows 7 laptop
  8. L

    Why is it conservatives are always complaining about P.C.?

    Throwing bananas and free speech are two entirely different things. There is a lot more to PC than the N word. Damn, you can't even say 'black' any more, it has to be African American, but of course it is fine to call caucasians white I have no need whatsoever to go around saying the N word...
  9. L

    Do people like the Koch Brothers who bankroll the Tea Party and tell them what to...

    Show me proof that these 'Koch Brothers' have ever donated a dime to the Tea Party
  10. L

    Will it be funny to see MSNBC distance themselves from the gunman tonight?

    Lol. I'll bet they leave a lot of details out, but I'm sure they'll mention that he opposed immigration
  11. L

    It's vacation time for Obama so where's he going this time?

    Hopefully someone got him a one way ticket to Kenya
  12. L

    What is your opinion of people who pay no taxes themselves, yet rant about

    how the rich? Should pay more than they do now? Okay, federal income taxes to be more specific
  13. L

    Do you think it's funny that atheists go to a room called Religion & Spirituality?

    Do you think it's funny that atheists go to a room called Religion & Spirituality? And then have the audacity to complain about people believing in God there, or talking about religion? How many humans go to the 'Cats' section if they don't believe cats exist? Okay, well some of you say you're...
  14. L

    I understand people coming here to debate, rant, or even to get on other

    peoples nerves.? But why do racist think that we care about their ignorance, racist views and envy towards Obama's success to the Presidency. We don't care, I know I don't care. So Why waste our time here with their questions when their only motives are racial? To the racist who...
  15. L

    What are some good scenic trails to hike in the Cranberry Wilderness, West Virginia?

    Any with waterfalls also?
  16. L

    What are some good scenic trails to hike in the Cranberry Wilderness, West Virginia?

    Any with waterfalls also?
  17. L

    What are some good scenic trails to hike in the Cranberry Wilderness, West Virginia?

    Any with waterfalls also?