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  1. R

    YouTube downloader apps for Android?

    Hi, i need a good Android app that can download Youtbe videos. Any suggestions, and free apps would be best Thanks
  2. R

    Apple ipad 64 GB What are the Best Apple Ipad Apps ?

    The very best apps are: -Angry Birds -Pages -Fruit Ninja -Pinball HD -Real Racing -Flight Control If you want to transfer your photos from your iPhone to your iPad you will need to first put the photos onto your computer, then sync them to the iPad. Hope this helps:)
  3. R

    Apple ipad 64 GB What are the Best Apple Ipad Apps ?

    The very best apps are: -Angry Birds -Pages -Fruit Ninja -Pinball HD -Real Racing -Flight Control If you want to transfer your photos from your iPhone to your iPad you will need to first put the photos onto your computer, then sync them to the iPad. Hope this helps:)
  4. R

    What iPad apps are your favorite?

    My favorites are: -Angry Birds -Pages -Fruit Ninja -Pinball HD -Real Racing -Flight Control Enjoy your iPad:)
  5. R

    Can the new iPod touch (4G) fit into a iPhone case?

    Yes, but it wont fit well and will most likely slip out. I would suggest you dont because you could brake you brand new iPod touch.
  6. R

    4G iPod Touch vs. iPad?

    I am almost 99% sure than in January, 2011 apple will bring out the iPad 2. I think they will bring out a new iPad because the current iPad is missing a few things. But, if you are looking to bring your device witg you everywhere get the iPod touch because you cant fit the iPad in your pocket...
  7. R

    is the new iphone 4 "4g"?

    It is called the iPhone 4, but does not have 4g internet. It has 3g internet, the same as the iPhone 3gs and iPhone 3g.
  8. R

    What is a good BMX bike for my 14 year old son?

    I have a 14 year old son, and i want to get him a BMX bike for his birthday. He doesn't do that much tricks but he will go and do some a few times a month. I want to get him a good one but i don't want to spend over $600, if you know some for $650 or $70 please lift them and i will consider...
  9. R

    Is the Sony Ericsson W715 a boys phone?

    Hi, i would like to get my son a Sony Ericsson W715 phone for his B'Day, but i wasn't sure if it is a girls phone. Here are some pictures so you can see the phone.