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  1. O

    About UK's industry in 21st century, anyone help me? I'm surfing the net to?

    I'm surfing the net to find details about UK's industry in 21st century but it is really hard. Can anyone give me a brief summary about this? I want to know most about UK's future plan. What will they do with their industry in the next years?
  2. O

    Give me some reason why you watch Bleach anime?

    I wonder why an anime which is over 200 eps still can attract so many people. What does it have? Dose it have good animation, good story and good characters?
  3. O

    darker than black 2 dvd release?

    Anybody knows when DTB2 OVA dvd will be released?
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    Kingdom Hearts or Action RPG fans...?

    I'd like to use The Matrix world. Of course, Neo will be a playable character, he will use a keyblade called "The One" and he has a special move "Trinity limit" which will summon Trinity, then Neo and Trinity will kick and hit the enemy multiple time.