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  1. G

    If there's going to be a trade war, should we start now or wait until

    there's nothing left to save? Trump: U.S. is a 'laughing stock' "Real estate mogul Donald Trump told hundreds of conservative activists Thursday, that if he was president, he would take in "hundreds of billions from...
  2. G

    Is a trade war inevitable? Trump: U.S. is a 'laughing stock' "Real estate mogul Donald Trump told hundreds of conservative activists Thursday, that if he was president, he would take in "hundreds of billions from countries that are screwing us."...
  3. G

    If the market can regulate itself, how come Taco Bell "beef" is mostly sand?

    Because Americans will eat sand if it tastes good and the price is right. Why do you think they glop on so much sour cream on their tacos now? They didn't used to do that, back when it was real meat.
  4. G

    Why do Muslims criticize Christians, but not the Taliban, when we discuss the...

    ...atrocities of the Taliban? When we post things like this: Afghan woman whose nose, ears cut off travels to U.S. WARNING: Graphic photo. Also see page 39 of the December...
  5. G

    isnt it funny how people will convince themselves of anything?

    You mean like these things: Bush is to blame for the WMD lie Bush tricked Congress into starting an illegal war Bush is to blame for Enron, him and Kenny Boy were oil buddies Bush is to blame for the meltdown of 2008 Republicans are to blame for free trade and job outsourcing Republicans are...
  6. G

    Was this another Christmas greeting from the religion of pieces?

    Details to be added after question posts...;_ylt=AsBuc4gm08Uo1N5WHs2U_PoDW7oF;_ylu=X3oDMTJlamFhcHQxBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAxMjI1L2FzX3Bha2lzdGFuBGNwb3MDMwRwb3MDMwRzZWMDeW5fdG9wX3N0b3JpZXMEc2xrA2ZlbWFsZWJvbWJlcg-- Female bomber kills 45 at food center in Pakistan...
  7. G

    Do you think we should tar and feather IRS agents when they start collecting...

    The federal government has no authority under the Constitution to regulate insurance. Insurance is a state regulated industry. That's why the oft-mentioned car insurance mandate is a STATE law, not federal. There is no interstate trade in the insurance industry, so the commerce clause does not...
  8. G

    Discuss the contradictions between Woodrow Wilson’s idealism and his...

    Woodrow Wilson died two years after taking office. His wife took over for him and hid his body, claiming he was just in bed sick. Why do you think women got the right to vote under Wilson? Actually his wife did that.
  9. G

    Hypothetical: You are on a Cruise and you see Obama, Drunk, Barfing and

    I would think "oh, how nice that Ann Coulter can put her political differences aside and help Mr. Obama - OOPS oh I had no idea she would push him overboard like that. O my gosh I am totally shocked ROTFL!" Then I'd buy her a drink.
  10. G

    How many people here were adults BEFORE the Nixon years, so you remember...

    ...what prosperity is? Our prosperity ended during the Carter years. But it started the long decline in the Nixon years. Who is old enough to even remember what real prosperity was? How can we possibly restore prosperity when most of the population isn't old enough to even remember what it was?
  11. G

    Stock market is soaring today. What happened to the leftists' dire...

    ...predictions of gloom and doom after GOP win? I thought the liberals said the stock market was crashing because of the GOP win. Why is the stock market soaring instead? LOL! Market down => blame GOP Market up => credit to Obama LIBERALS NEVER FAIL sarrafz, REALLY????????? SUDDENLY the...
  12. G

    Anyone see the irony of how some americans are whining about socialism, when its

    It's obvious that you don't know the definition of socialism.
  13. G

    Is Obama really going on another vacation?

    This time he might not come back. .....oh, please please please please....
  14. G

    Was the 1958 Sci-Fi movie "The Blob" a metaphor for big government devouring

    Yes, and there were documents in the National Archive to prove it. But, like the Wright Brother's patent, it has been lost.
  15. G

    So, as Election Day approaches, have the desperate D-rats resorted to outright lies?

    They are really trotting them out tonight. They're even talking about Clinton's non-existent fictional budget surplus that never materialized. How desperate can they get, in their final hours?
  16. G

    what did Raymond Roger look like?

    Something like his brother, but a little more like his father than his mother.
  17. G

    this is made by progressive environmentalists,and IS NOT A JOKE..what do u think?

    Whoops, someone in the Ministry of Propaganda let A LITTLE TOO MUCH of the truth to slip out about their agenda. Does the name BILL AYERS mean anything to you? Leftists are ALWAYS the ones to resort to horrific violence. Remember Joe Stack? Remember the Pentagon shooter? They were radical...
  18. G

    Why do leftists suddenly claim they don't care about rally turnout, after...

    ...they ranted about Beck's turnout? After the disappointing turnout for today's Desperate Democrat rally in the same place as the Beck rally, why are liberals suddenly pretending rally turnout doesn't mean anything, even though they ranted for days about the turnout at Beck's rally?
  19. G

    Why does Obama still smoke when he knows it has a fairly high likelihood of...

    Wow, I just realized. HE IS INTENTIONALLY DESTROYING HIMSELF. He really is a demented person who intentionally destroys EVERYTHING, including the country, his political party, his own political career, and HIMSELF by destroying his own health with smoking. EDIT: Jack M, most Asian people do...
  20. G

    People keep complaining about companies sending jobs overseas but what can be...

    END FREE TRADE NOW. Democrats get an F MINUS on this issue. Bill Clinton signed NAFTA and opened free trade with China, even against the warning from Ross Perot about the "giant sucking sound" of jobs leaving the country. During the campaign, Obama pledged to reform free trade, and he bashed...