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  1. V

    how much does it cost to change a fiat punto 2006 thermostat?

    how much does it cost to change a fiat punto 2006 thermostat
  2. V

    what does 'roger the boogley' mean?

    I'm guessing this is from family guy? haha it's british slang for "raise the flag on a ship to the disgusting thing" in other words, to do an ugly guy
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    Almost 4 year old cries/whines a lot, barely listens to us unless we...

    I also have a 4 year old that is the same to the "T". Please if you find out anything that works let me know!!! I am in need of much help. He is allot to deal with when I also have two other kids.Maybe it has something to there age? And maybe some parents know something we dont.But all kids are...
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    Boy 17 pmed me in chat who i don't know tells me he wants to be my bf?

    it's never strange. people like that, they're just testing you if you're gonna give in. they don't make sense any way so don't bother next time.