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  1. O

    Is it a bad thing to be a lesbian?

    No, No, No! People will judge you for breathing the same air they do. What fools might think should never be a deal breaker.
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    Good idea for a sci-fi novel?

    It's good enough that it has been done a lot of times. Just make your story good -- better than the others. It doesn't have to be an original plot to be a blue-ribbon winner for you.
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    Budda worshipers or other idol worshipers what has your statue done for you lately?

    For someone who thinks they aren't sounding ugly, you sure put the original question in a loaded, snotty way.
  4. O

    Budda worshipers or other idol worshipers what has your statue done for you lately?

    For someone who thinks they aren't sounding ugly, you sure put the original question in a loaded, snotty way.
  5. O

    Budda worshipers or other idol worshipers what has your statue done for you lately?

    For someone who thinks they aren't sounding ugly, you sure put the original question in a loaded, snotty way.
  6. O

    Budda worshipers or other idol worshipers what has your statue done for you lately?

    For someone who thinks they aren't sounding ugly, you sure put the original question in a loaded, snotty way.
  7. O

    Budda worshipers or other idol worshipers what has your statue done for you lately?

    For someone who thinks they aren't sounding ugly, you sure put the original question in a loaded, snotty way.
  8. O

    Budda worshipers or other idol worshipers what has your statue done for you lately?

    For someone who thinks they aren't sounding ugly, you sure put the original question in a loaded, snotty way.
  9. O

    Budda worshipers or other idol worshipers what has your statue done for you lately?

    For someone who thinks they aren't sounding ugly, you sure put the original question in a loaded, snotty way.
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    If your faith/secularist identity was challenged, would you argue back?

    It depends on how intelligent I guess they might be. There noting to gain by arguing with a fool. And if the person is reasonably intelligent, it might be fun to have a discussion. But I really don't give a flip what people think about my spiritual/non-spiritual identity. If I had to count on...
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    Budda worshipers or other idol worshipers what has your statue done for you lately?

    For someone who thinks they aren't sounding ugly, you sure put the original question in a loaded, snotty way.
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    What happens to the foreskin after a circumcision by a rabbi? Atheists, I'm not

    When you know something for a fact, you don't need to offer an opinion. But I'm an atheist and you don't want any facts from me.
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    How can you tell if a prophecy from someone is real?....?

    One clue is that a true personal prophecy will confirm what you already suspect. Anyone who tells you something you have never thought of is a phony. There are other tests, but that is one of the simplest.
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    Does the Lord ever count it against a Christian when they backslid?

    I think the number is 70 times 70.
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    If God IS Jesus Christ, then is Jesus the son of Jesus?

    What's the problem. It's possible to be yer own step-daddy. Ohhh, nasty! This one will get bleeped.
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    my daughter and I writing a book report for her class and we need some...

    Cute. Too cute. P.S. And these poor people aren't getting it. [sigh]
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    Why do so many seem to believe in the so called 2012 prophecy?

    It's like the bunch who believed Obama would save America. They believe what they see on TV and read in the blogs.
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    Am I the ONLY Non-Religous Christian who does NOT take the bible literally?

    You are exactly on track for the soon-and-coming major reformation of Christianity. You are exactly in tune. Don't stop. Oh, yes. A lot of people understand. (Not many on R&S, tho).