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  1. C

    Should congress forfeit their salaries while they are wasting time on their

    Yes. We didn't elect them so they could spend all their time campaigning for the next elections.
  2. C

    Liberals, have you booked your flights for your Chicago vacation yet?

    No. I'd rather drive to Chicago than fly.
  3. C

    why do leftists insist on asking loaded questions that are thinly disguised rants?

    Because leftists and rightists aren't really interested in finding answers to their questions. They mostly just ask questions in order to set up the rants they want to make.
  4. C

    Do people on here that complain about either Democrats or Republicans

    I am not part of the problem. Democrats are better leaders than Republicans. With the expansion of conservatively biased media and their agenda of breeding contempt for other outlets of information, such as mainstream media and education, I advocate for the liberal position to counter their...
  5. C

    Do any Liberals believe in the Mayan 2012 Prophecy? Were they predicting the...

    I think there might be something to it. The Mayan studied the stars and their movement a lot. Also, I read that we are getting close to passing through the galactic plane of rotation. Perhaps the Milky Way's magnetic field will be the trigger that causes our own magnetic poles to flip, as it...
  6. C

    Is Federal Judge Roger Vinson a Hero, for using Obama's own language to Shut

    No. Providers of health care cannot choose who they provide their services to, so it isn't fair to claim consumers of health care coverage have a right to choose to go without coverage. Since health care isn't a pro-choice industry, there is no legal right to be pro-choice consumers. Vinson's...
  7. C

    does it offend you that the liberal media discusses every nuance of Giffords

    No. I listen to Fox News and Talk Radio fairly regularly, and they are too busy bashing liberals to mention how the victims of Nidal Hassan's rampage are recovering. You shouldn't lie by citing double standards which don't exist. Conservative accusations against mainstream media are empty...
  8. C

    If poor blacks are going to whine about needing help, shouldn't they?

    If rich whites are going to whine about needing help to invest in expanding their own business operations, shouldn't they hide their 7- and 8- figure incomes? To answer your question, most poor blacks don't have those things.
  9. C

    In your opinion, why does the middle class right and low income right vote

    Because conservative spin doctors in the media convinced them that that is what God and our Founding Fathers want them to do.
  10. C

    Does anyone really believe that Democrats would ever use tax hikes on the...

    No, but that's why we let the Republicans have more power -- to make sure the Democrats do what they are supposed to do. Does anyone really believe that Republicans would ever hike taxes on the rich so we could fix the deficit?
  11. C

    Is it normal for liberals to believe that a person's height is based on nutrition?

    Yes. It is also true. Genetics is only a predisposition, but a person needs the proper nutrition to reach the height they are genetically predisposed to achieve. If you take two twins, feed one well and feed the other barely enough to survive, the well-fed one will be slightly taller than the...
  12. C

    Need a laugh. Do you realize how little the media is pandering to Obama now?

    No, I don't. Media-pandering was mostly the product of conservative imaginations.
  13. C

    Were there any interest groups involved at the New York mosque rallies?

    Yes. There was the pro-mosque group and the anti-mosque group.
  14. C

    Liberals: Are you even defending Obama for his handling of this cruise ship

    No, because Obama does not need defending on this issue. Carnival cruise lines is who is at fault. A bunch of people stuck on a giant boat with no power for a few days is not life-threatening as long as everyone stays calm. I can't say that I feel bad at all that people rich enough to throw...
  15. C

    Why is Yahoo telling people to "Complain to get what you want" ? Do we...

    Lol, I hope you see the irony of complaining about Yahoo! telling people how to complain, especially from a Yahoo! user who seems to think incessant complaining is the best way to elicit the political results you hope for. Or are you just offended that Yahoo! would be so presumptuous as to...
  16. C

    Will 2010 be the 5th consecutive year of mild hurricane activity following the...

    No. Each year gets new hurricane projections. The 2005 doomsday predictions aren't in effect every year. Solar activity will be on the rise for the next few years after bottoming out its 11-year cycle late in 2008. Hurricane activity will likely be on the rise as well. There have been quite...
  17. C

    What religion did Obama practice before he converted to Christianity?

    Beats me. Whatever his old religious beliefs, he obviously didn't take them too seriously if he was willing to convert.
  18. C

    Now that the "recovery" is stalled by looming tax hikes, will Dems admit

    No. The recovery hasn't stalled because of looming tax hikes. The recovery has slowed down because economic stimulus programs like the First-Time Homeowners Tax Credit and Cash for Clunkers are no longer in effect. Edit: Sorry, but I reject the notion that the wealthy are so vital to...
  19. C

    Why did black people at the NAACP meeting laugh when Shirley Sherrod said

    After spending centuries as second class citizens, African Americans find it humorous to see the shoe on the other foot.