Search results

  1. H

    Ex-Christians Atheists, what actually didn't make sense in Xianity?

    Sounds like you're looking for proof that Christianity doesn't make sense. I agree with a point someone else made. Not that once you're saved, you're always saved...but that if you REALLY get to know God and His love, there's no turning back. :)
  2. H

    Is this Christian "holier than thou"?

    Sooo I'm a Christian but I'm not a legalist and I try to maintain peace and love while setting a positive and righteous example (as much as possible)...but anyway, I have a friend who always tries to maintain the appearance of perfection. I have a toddler and she does too and I used the phrase...
  3. H

    A gadget to help improve TYPING speed?

    I know someone who doesn't have a computer but wants to improve her typing skills/speed so she can be more qualified to get a job. Everything I'm finding to improve typing actually requires that you have a computer. When I was little (20 years ago), there was actually a game my mom bought me...
  4. H

    A gadget to help improve TYPING speed?

    I know someone who doesn't have a computer but wants to improve her typing skills/speed so she can be more qualified to get a job. Everything I'm finding to improve typing actually requires that you have a computer. When I was little (20 years ago), there was actually a game my mom bought me...
  5. H

    Scriptures about wife helping to win husband's soul for Christ?

    I was wondering if you could help me find scriptural examples of a Christian wife getting a husband who is not saved or on the fence to convert to Christianity? I know there was at least one...