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  1. B

    can i use an unlocked blackberry storm 2 in italy ?

    i was wondering if i could buy an unlocked blackberry storm 2 that i saw from amazon the other day and use it on itlaly with my sim card without having any trouble with it or the data plan.
  2. B

    can i use an unlocked blackberry storm 2 in italy ?

    i was wondering if i could buy an unlocked blackberry storm 2 that i saw from amazon the other day and use it on itlaly with my sim card without having any trouble with it or the data plan.
  3. B

    my daughter continually has bad dreams. she has had a cleansing with sage. she

    Dream catchers wont help it sounds like she has a stress problem that has gone into her subconscious aka "Shes living her problems" You should really have a talk with her about it.
  4. B

    Less interest in girls and life in general. Help!! xP?

    Hey im 18 graded highschool took a emt course and im always volunteering i just want to know why ive loss interesting in wanted to stop going out with girls and such. And how i can maybe boost it up a little bit.
  5. B

    What is the best Free blue-ray dvd Burner?

    HD Movie Maker - Blu-ray Burning Software Makes and Burns High-definition Blu-ray Movies! * Make and Burn High-Definition Blu-ray Movies. Support the latest Windows 7. Convert and burn various formats of videos to Blu-ray Discs...