Search results

  1. J

    P90X Nutrition Guide Question #2?

    I'm having issues sorting this Nutrition Guide for P90X out... so I'm just wondering... are you supposed to do each phase for 30 days, and then go on to the next phase, or do you pick a phase and only do that phase for the 90 days? I'm planning to do the meal plan if that makes any difference...
  2. J

    Hentai recommendations?

    Hi I was introduced to Hentai about 2 weeks ago and ive been heavily interested ever since, does anyone have any recommendations for any good series out there? Ive seen: Honoo Haramase, Discipline and Angel Blade and all 3 were kickass series. Thanks in advance, your opinions is greatly...
  3. J

    PS2 and Wii "Mode Not Supported" on Samsung 46"?

    I recently bought a Samsung 46" LCD for my kids and although the Composite and HDMI cables work FLAWLESSLY (for the PS2 and Blu ray player respectively), the PS2 with component cables and Wii with component cables show up with a "Mode not supported" screen. I have triple checked the cables ive...