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  1. W

    Survey:would you be able to survive out in the wild if need be?

    no, I live in alaska and I would freeze to death.
  2. W

    Do you laugh at suburban kids that think they are gangster?

    I feel like you mean conscience. but yeah, it is a little funny to see the preppy wanna be white kids pretending they have had it rough and need to fight to live. what a jaded world we live in
  3. W

    Why has more blood been shed in the name of religion than blood been saved?

    I am pretty certain that this is not true. show me some real statistics and I might believe this, but I think it is made up anti theology garbage.
  4. W

    is there a boat driving across your screen?

    even though the ad is gone there is still a greenish boat floating on my screen
  5. W

    What religion are you?

    I am Christian I attend a Lutheran church Missouri synod. I was confirmed in the Lutheran religion but I prefer to say Christian, as I believe Christ's teachings come before Martin Luther's.;_ylt=AjydttZ8Aq_43Kpal9xmN0nsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20091127231601AAvPqH2
  6. W

    What's your funniest South Park scene?

    I like the end of awsome-o I just can't get over it.
  7. W

    Do you laugh when someone falls?

    sometimes I laugh. I don't mean to it just sort of happens.
  8. W

    how long was your longest relationship?

    I have only had one. we celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary on Tuesday. 5.5 years
  9. W

    Psychological Survey: Which Car Picture draws you in more?

    wait a minute, there is something funny going on here.