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  1. B

    Do you believe there should be the same church on earth now as the one Jesus

    Yes. It's called the Catholic Church. It's the only church which traces its root directly to Jesus through the apostolic succession of the Popes. "You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it" (Matt. 16:18).
  2. B

    What do Christians & Atheist think of these quotes?

    I guess I would ask, what do you think all of these passages (which span 1400 years of humanity's experience with God) mean to you? If you're taking them out of context to prove the Bible contradicts itself then: FAIL (and take a theology class).
  3. B

    Judaism & Christianity?

    I am Christian so I cannot help but recognizing my Jewish roots. Theology aside, Jesus was a Jew... ...and the Jewish people are saved because God doesn't break His covenants.