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  1. B

    FIFA: Why are live chats so nice unlike here?

    In live chats i tell people i like baking cakes and cooking then the next day I tell them I don't like it anymore then they say, hey its cool, but here i tell them i dint like something anymore nad they're like "bitchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh YOUR NAME SAYS IT ALL U FAKE!!!!!!"
  2. B

    How is the Brazilians religion football if they are the 2nd most christian... in the WORLD?
  3. B

    What would you do if you saw this football player Pole Dancing with me? BQ- Wanna dance the "forbiden dance' Lambada with me?
  4. B

    how can i download youtube videos which i can also put in my cellphone and

    have it played? i've downloaded youtube videos already. but the problem is i can't play it in my cellphone. i wanted to save it in my cellphone.