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  1. J

    Christian: Do you really believe in the prophecies of what is to come, or do you...

    I do read Revelation as more spiritual. I believe the 1000 years is figurative rather than literal. I believe Jesus' 2nd coming is to conquer evil as well as take up the righteous. I dont believe there is going to be a 3rd coming. Jesus said his kingdom is not of this earth. At no time did...
  2. J

    Salvation by grace and faith in Christ is the most important principle of...

    I dont see any flaws in the site. They are combatting the notion that all you need to do is simply believe and youre saved. They are also trying to explain that faith means more than simply believing as in James, that its accompanied by works. To the one guy: we are under Christ's law and...
  3. J

    Why are people having a hard time believing in the Bible when it has all...

    They are hostile toward God. They are living in rebellion.
  4. J

    Unbelievers...Why is it acceptable for someone to quote Confucius but not the

    Atheists think they can handle just straight wisdom. They think that is all they deal in and that they have the market cornered on it via darwin. Atheists cannot handle the truth or power of the Gospel. It is as foreign to them as victory is to the Detroit Lions.
  5. J

    Why do so many Christians think the Catholics are not Christian?

    Many people and entities have classified catholicism as its own religion because it is different than protestantism and other such categories. The category for CHRISTIAN Ive noticed is simply to say either non-denom or just in general Christian. Or do you mean born again people rejecting...
  6. J

    What do Christians & Atheist think of these quotes?

    They all have good specific meanings that enlighten us on our path toward salvation.
  7. J

    Why do conservative christians whine about liberals and other people not being

    No reason, just the constant onslaught in the court system of systematically trying to kick God out of everything. Oh and millions of abortion deaths. I think if civilization improves at all, theyre going to look back on us like nazi germany for killing our own children and liberals will be...
  8. J

    Isn't Christianity essentially an affront to Judaism?

    Not to all the Jews who have converted over the ages and not to Messianic Jews.