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  1. P

    Travelling at the speed of light, will this work?

    No, because the pole is not a solid object - it is composed of atoms in contact. So as you move your end, that motion must be transmitted from atom to atom along the length of the pole. 400,000 km is a lot of atoms to move like a line of dominos. We are used to objects (like a broomstick) to...
  2. P

    What's an interesting science topic to write 15 pages about?

    The planets found in other solar systems (over 850 so far). The Curiosity rover on Mars. Cassini mission at Saturn (and the Huygens probe that landed on Titan).
  3. P

    Why are girls not interested in topics like space science?

    Girls might get bored, but women don't.
  4. P

    How do we know geosynchronous sattelites are actually moving?

    If they didn't move, they wouldn't stay over one place on the Earth, since the surface of the Earth is moving (the Earth rotates). I would love to hear how you use geosynchronous satellites to disprove geocentrism (the only relationship between the 2 is the term "geo" meaning "of the Earth").
  5. P

    How the technology will be in the future? Is any advance technology in the future?

    Technology in the future will be more advanced than today, just like technology today is more advanced than in the past. Yes, more technology will come in the future.
  6. P

    Hopi Prophecy, comet elenin?

    What is going to happen on the 26th - Elenin has already passed perihelion (when it broke up into smaller chunks by the way) and it doesn't get closest to Earth until October 16 (at which time it will still be over 100 times as far as the moon). The Hopi didn't predict Elenin - the Blue Kachina...
  7. P

    So, you know about that Sattelite that is supposed to hit Earth/fall Friday?

    The whole satellite when it was in one piece was the size of a school bus (3 meters by 10 meters). So, if a school bus filled with rocks landed in the ocean, do you think it would cause a tsunami...? NASA scientists predict that most of the satellite will break or burn up before reaching Earth...
  8. P

    Your ideas on 2012? Read more for interesting fact?

    But what about all the other disasters that have happened over the years? Like the Haiti earthquake on 1/24/2010 or the Iceland volcano on March 20 2010? Anyone can add 2 dates to get 12/21/2012 - if you search you can find some disaster or significant event on almost any date in any year.
  9. P

    What relationship has been found between the distance to faraway galaxies...

    Its called "Hubbles' Law" and it says that farther galaxies are receding (moving away) faster than closer galaxies.
  10. P

    What religion do you suggest for me?

    Instead of choosing a specific "religion", find the best in all of them and choose to do good every day, choose to treat all creatures (human and otherwise) with respect and decency and dignity. If you read any of the big Books, that is what they claim God wants of us.