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  1. G

    Is the reason for the similarities between Judaic and all other traditions that

    Judaism had none? About 200 BCE (BC) Berossus wrote "Babylonica", Manetho wrote the Egyptian history and the Israelis supposedly translated their traditions into Greek. How do you feel about the people now that argue that this was done so these people could practice old customs and since the...
  2. G

    Should Cardinal Roger M. Mahony be charged with child molestation rape etc?

    Every person that shielded a child molester is himself guilty of the same crimes as he permitted the crime to go unpunished and for the criminal to continue his activities. Do you agree every person involved in shielding these criminals should be punished to the full extent of the law?
  3. G

    Why do Christians/Muslims/Mormons etc object when their religion is called a cult?

    Definition of a cult: 1. A particular system of religious worship, especially with reference to its rites and ceremonies.
  4. G

    Christians/Muslims and others; what makes you think you can leave the body and

    perceive in a like fashion? When the body dies we no longer have physical sensory organs so how can you imagine perceptions will be similar? MK: That is just plain stupid; employing a fable as evidence for anything only proves that people are gullible!
  5. G

    Can Religion (Judism Islam, Christianity) survive internet?

    Do you believe religion can survive the internet where children have access to facts regarding their faith? @cupcake; yes there wil always be some, perhaps 15-20% is my guess. She said: In the sixties, acquiring material which stated facts regarding research was nearly impossible. Today college...
  6. G

    Since Judaism/Christianity stand in the road of exposing Islam shoud

    their nonsense be exposed also? Islam is a barbaric cult as we recently saw in Egypt, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and all other countries where it is practiced. The fact that Islam is a fraud perpetrated by the Highway robber, pedophile megalomaniac Muhammad who suffered from Schizophrenia...
  7. G

    Since places such as Deut 32:8-9 indicate Judaism is based on Cannanite religious

    how about conceding defeat? Islam/Christianity/Judaism need to cease and desist with their nonsense in the opinion of a great many experts as it is a clear indication Judaism was based on the Canaanite religion. Places such as Ras-Shamras/Ugarit yielded documents where among other things it is...
  8. G

    Why do Christians/Muslims argue against earliest Genesis tales?

    It baffles me that Christians/Muslims/Jews argue against the earliest tales of Eden, the flood etc when the first Judaic patriot was Abraham. According to the scriptures the first Jew was Abraham. The legends from Babylon and Sumer predates the writings of the Judaic scriptures by a few...
  9. G

    Why do Atheists feel the need to argue with Deists & Theists?

    As soon as the religious people stop attempting to influence my kids and grandchildren with their delusion I will cease providing proof that religion is the greatest stumbling block of humanity!
  10. G

    Isn't it pretty stupid to call a religion "The Religion of Peace" when they...

    Isn't it pretty stupid to call a religion "The Religion of Peace" when they... ...slaughter each other? Islam is calling itself "The Religion of Peace", yet they justify killing each other over slight differences in the same religion. What kind of peace does the religion have to offer...
  11. G

    What parts of the Catholic Church had it's roots in Old Testament Judaism?

    The entire Old testament of the Catholics came from Judaism.
  12. G

    Have you seen the true face of the religion of peace?

    Thank you; it is sad to see but something we have to ridicule at every opportunity, just think, if we don't do something about it our grandchildren could be the next victims of the cult!
  13. G

    In the name of Jesus H. Christ, was Michael Jackson right? It doesn't matter

    The color of a persons skin is like the wrapping of a Christmas present; it tells you nothing of importance! Only that which is inside counts.
  14. G

    Is the Book of Revelations a premonition of an interplanetary war between...

    Revelations has long been known to have been a "Prophesy" by the Jewish "Messiah" (Eleazar ben Simon) who was instrumental in starting the war between the Romans and the Jews which saw the destruction of the Jewish temple in 70 CE. This prophesy is nothing but another fantasy of a mad...
  15. G

    Question about circumcision and converting to Judaism.?

    Circumcision was wrongly translated; the correct word is restraint: People were supposed to practice restraint not mutilation!
  16. G

    Have there been any prophecies for the time after 2012?

    No; there were no real prophets before 2012 so why would some come along after?
  17. G

    Have there been any prophecies for the time after 2012?

    No; there were no real prophets before 2012 so why would some come along after?
  18. G

    Seeing religion is all about the afterlife is there a point to life before death?

    There is only a point to life before death for those people not being primed to sacrifice their lives for the lusts of a megalomaniac.