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  1. C

    I am really interested in joining the navy but have no idea what to expect can

    My good friend was in the Navy for 6 years. He described it as "absolutely boring. So mindnumbingly boring that the best part of my day was playing 'spin the screw' where we'd spin a little screw and whoever could spin it the longest won" He was stationed on an aircraft carrier, dunno what his...
  2. C

    Christians, what do you think of other species of homonid like...

    ...neanderthals and homo habilis? Do you deny their existence? I'm genuinely wondering, this isn't yet another insult disguised as a question like all of the other "questions" on here. Do you christians believe they existed? We have their bones, skulls, teeth, even hair and DNA. Are...
  3. C

    Were Homo floresiensis alive today, would you be in favor of slavery?

    Homo floresiensis, also known as the "hobbit" was a species of hominid, 3ft tall, that lived on the small island of Flores in Indonesia until a volcano destroyed the species 13,000 years ago. They were a completely separate species from humans, but they buried their dead ritualistically and...
  4. C

    Is it alright for a Christian to dabble in the occult?

    it's a sin, that's like asking if it's ok to dabble in murder
  5. C

    Would it be difficult for an American to vacation in Japan?

    I'm considering a ski trip to Japan in a year or two, but I don't know any japanese. Is it fairly tourist friendly, or will I get lost and arrested and sent to work in the phosphorous mines with the other confused foreigners?
  6. C

    When will the US finally agree we are a secular, not Christian, nation?

    but we're founded on ideas like "don't kill" and "don't steal" and those are CHRISTIAN VALUES *foams at the mouth*
  7. C

    Are Gays and lesbians the 3rd and 4th gender or they suffer from harmonal disorder?

    who cares? Let them live their lives how they want to, it doesn't affect you
  8. C

    Run for the Border Poll: Does being able to effortlessly order at Taco Bell mean...

    Taco Bell is just proficient, but McDonald's... then you could survive in any spanish country
  9. C

    which game lets the deer hunt the human?

    that happened to me once. There I was, minding my own business, eating the pizza I'd found beside a tree, and BAM, stabbed by an antler.
  10. C

    How often do yuo and your bf or gf argue? Is it healthy?

    If you can't disagree without getting mad at eachother it's not a great relationship
  11. C

    Girls, have you ever been interested in someone not as good looking as you?

    In my senior year of high school there was a girl that was way out of my league, and she was one of the few girls in this class, and all the guys were always flirting with her. Except me, I don't like fighting off the competition, and obviously she was way too hot for me. But she was totally...
  12. C

    (Judaism) what are the times when sexual activity is allowed?

    there's no hell in Judaism, so who cares?
  13. C

    Discuss the scientist who discovered Ediacaran fauna and give a full

    come on, do your own homework. You'll never learn it by getting someone to tell you the answer. And if just want an answer and don't care about the subject, why should I care enough to give you an answer?
  14. C

    What's the difference between Judaism and Christianity?

    there's no hell in judaism, they have even more crazy laws that they just ignore (have to grow out your hair, have to stone gays, can't eat shellfish or lots of other things)