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  1. P

    Why is it that in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam angles are not considered gods?

    God can Be Anything, Everything, and/or Nothing. The Alpha and the Omega, Almighty God is not limited. That's what you are missing in your interest. Religions are ways of best understanding God, though they are controlled and shaped by man'. (as shown in the first zeitgeist movie you should...
  2. P

    A question about God (Christians can answer)?

    All throughout life we have the choice of either being part of God as we were created or not. Perfect example... take Lucifer/satan as an example. The real part of satan was Lucifer as Lucifer was the creation of God. Lucifer defied God and attempted to be separate from God and "outdo" God...
  3. P

    What are the differences between spirituality and religion?

    religion is of man and Spirituality is of God.
  4. P

    Why didn't peace prevail after Christ?

    Peace did not prevail because we are sinners and must live this life and death in order to face the second death. Jesus is God's "ace in the hole" and everything is working according to plan. This world means nothing because it shall pass. God means all.
  5. P

    since the idea of a soul wasn't even unique to Judaism, isn't that proof...

    No. On the contrary, it proves that others knew about the idea as well. And please show some respect and capitalize your G's in God people. You show no self respect when you forget that, let alone respect for God.
  6. P

    i am tired of people arguing with me about religion?

    tell em to stfu and suck on a gallon of milk it does a body good. And learn how to be impartial.. and how to be agreeable even if you disagree.
  7. P

    CHRISTIANS.... Is it True that you don't watch ANIME?

    Ninja Scroll FTW!!! I used to be "christian", but then I realized that God loves me for me not for what religion I choose. I am a devote follower.
  8. P

    After converting to Judaism, is a person obliged to tell other Jews that one

    Sounds complicated. Are you joining an army? I do understand where you are coming from. My point is that your personal relationship with God is most important regardless of upbringing, religious education, or whatever type of morale programming, not to mension "religion". God is what you...
  9. P

    Why are women treated much better in Islam than in Judaism and Christianity?

    Uhh.. false. Assuming this is a true or false question.
  10. P

    Christians: you have done it now,you have angered Zeus! fear his lightning

    Would someone slap the potion of hallucination out of this guys hand please?
  11. P

    Christians, 62 foot tall Jesus statue struck by lightning?

    It's really not that serious. You just want to seem important. The truth is God's first 2 Commandments is all you have to do to receive Christ and salvation. That's it just the first 2 Commandments. Is it really that hard for people?
  12. P

    Religion. Present, Past and Future?

    Only God is forever so of course our understanding of God will change. God doesn't.
  13. P

    christians, just a few things i need clearing up?

    The exact center of the Holy Bible is Psalms 118:8. It really matters not what man says or does.
  14. P

    To all Religions: When someone slanders your beliefs do you respond or...

    What is Real cannot be threatened.